Soccer Players Training on field ○ Soccer Blade

The Best Soccer Training Gear

When you are training it gives an added dimension when you have specialist training gear. When you are coaching players, it’s best to keep it interesting.

It’s amazing how much more running you can get the players to do when the markers, cones, pinnies, slalom poles, and hurdles.

Field Markers

A must for any coach – it’s surprising how many of these you need. When you’re doing soccer drills, you will be marking out the drill area and zones with these.

This selection comes in a number of different colors which are easy to see. A variety is needed when marking out different zones.

This is a set of 50 and they’re the higher quality ones that will last a while.

See them at Amazon.

41htq1QkaOL. SL500 ○ Soccer Bladeir?t=socbla08 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B07H3RW5HJ ○ Soccer Blade


Along with markers, mini cones help you to set-up goals for mini-matches, which the players love. They can also be used for the players to run around, as the markers get stood on.

24 in this pack is just right for any coach. It’s another must for a training session.

More details at Amazon.

41RQR0CbkuL. SL500 ○ Soccer Bladeir?t=socbla08 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B07MLYH2T8 ○ Soccer Blade


There is no better way than to give pinnies to the players to create competition. Separate them into teams and watch them raise their game.

These ones are numbered – which is great for organizing teams off the field and on it. They come in sets of 12 with many different colors to choose from.

Professional gear that will last for some time.

Look at all of the color options at Amazon.

51jKQz6EFpL. SL500 ○ Soccer Bladeir?t=socbla08 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B07JVDVGDH ○ Soccer Blade

Slalom Poles

Cones and markers are good, but slalom poles add that bit extra. Set them up and get the player weaving in and out of them – great for the core muscles.

They help players build their upper body strength and prepared the players for gliding past the opponents on the field.

See the different sizes at Amazon.

51sUaIUJCHL. SL500 ○ Soccer Bladeir?t=socbla08 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00NWSH1JU ○ Soccer Blade

Speed and Agility Kit

This combination of training accessories makes training more professional. To work-out the different muscles needed to perform at the highest level, you need extra gear that will make the players fitter than ever.

In the kit you get

  • 1 Resistance Parachute,
  • 1 Agility Ladder,
  • 4 Adjustable Hurdles
  • 12 Disc Cones

This kit will raise the levels of the players and is for those competing. See the latest price over at Amazon.

○ Soccer Bladeir?t=socbla08 20&l=li3&o=1&a=B07HMQ1N43 ○ Soccer Blade
Is it good to play soccer every day?

Playing soccer each day can be good for you, although if you are using the wrong equipment, have any injuries, using poor techniques or training too hard, it could set you back.

How many hours a day should I train for soccer?

Professionals train for 4 hours a day, but only at peak fitness.

Is long-distance running bad for soccer players?

Soccer players run around 6 miles per match – this is done mainly in short bursts. It is best to run in short bursts to build the muscles required.