Give And Go Soccer Drills (Game-Play)

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Replicate real-game soccer moves by practicing give-and-go soccer drills. These one-two movements can split the defense, and break the lines to create a scoring chance.

Give-and-go drills are fun to practice, they are short and quick and sometimes end with a shot at a goal. You will also practice your passing skills with these drills.

Give and go soccer players passing

Give And Go Soccer Drill

Pass Through the Gates: Soccer Drill

  • Age Range: 6-10
  • Length of Session: 10 mins 
  • Number of Players: any
  • Skills to Learn: passing, communication
  • Equipment: balls and cones, optional pinnies

Description: Players must pass the ball through a gate to their teammate to earn a point. 

Drill Set-up:

  • Set up a large space based on the number of players you have and their ages. 
  • Randomly place gates using cones. Gates should be about 3 meters. 
  • Give each player a partner.
  • Optional: use pinnies to distinguish groups. 
  • Each group of 2 gets 1 ball.
Pass Through the Gates Soccer Drill
Pass Through The Gates Soccer Drill

Drill Instructions:

  1. Kids must dribble around the area and pass through the gates to their partners. 
  2. Each successful pass through the gate earns one point. 
  3. Kids cannot go through the same gate twice in a row. 
  4. Challenge your players to see who gets the most passes in a set time or who can complete all gates first. 
  5. Keep each round to 60 seconds or less. 
  6. Challenge older players to use their weaker foot or complete the drill with smaller gates. 

Pass, Move, and Shuffle: Soccer Drill

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: Pass, Move, and Shuffle
  • Age Group: All age groups
  • Session Length: 5 minutes
  • Number of players: minimum of 2 as players work in pairs
  • Skills learned: first touch, passing, and quick feet
  • Equipment: 2 cones, 1 ball per pair

Drill Setup

  • Each pair of players needs 2 cones. 
  • Place 2 cones approximately 5 yards apart to create the passing lane. 
  • Create separate passing lanes parallel to these cones for each pair of players. 
  • Each pair requires 1 ball.
Pass Move and Shuffle
Pass Move and Shuffle

Drill Instructions

  • P1 stands 1 yard to the right and behind the cone, with the ball at their feet.
  • P2 stands in a mirrored position, 1 yard to the left and behind the cone, waiting to receive a pass.
  • P1 plays a firm, right-footed pass along the ground to P2. 
  • P1 then shuffles to the left side of the cone and waits for the return pass.
  • P2 takes one touch to shift the ball from the left to the right side of the cone, before playing return pass to P1.
  • P2 then shuffles back to the left side of the cone. 
  • P1  takes one touch to shift the ball from the left to the right side of the cone, before passing it to P2 
  • In the first and second rounds, allow 3 touches. In the third and fourth rounds, allow only 2.

Drill Variations

  • Switch starting positions to focus on opposite foot passing.
  • Increase the distance between players to improve passing accuracy, control, and range. For this drill, the maximum distance between players should be 15 yards.

Pass and Move Awareness: Soccer Drill

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: Pass and move awareness drill
  • Session Length: 3 to 5 mins
  • Number of players: Minimum of 8 players broken into 4 groups
  • Skills learned: passing, quick movement, first touch, and awareness
  • Equipment: 4 cones, 2 balls

Drill Setup

  • Position 4 cones to create a tilted square. The 4 corners should be 10 yards apart from each other. 
  • Split the training squad into 4 even groups, with each group lining up at a separate cone. 
  • 3 to 4 players per group is optimal. There must be a minimum of 2 in each group.
Pass and Move Awareness
Pass and Move Awareness

Drill Instructions

  1. P1 and P3 start with the balls at their feet. 
  2. P1 plays a low, firm pass to P2. After playing the pass, the player jogs to the back of the line on their right. 
  3. Then, P3 passes the ball to P4. When the pass is played, the player joins the end of the line to their right. 
  4. P2 and P4 take one touch the control the ball, before playing a return pass to the next player in the group they received the ball from. 
  5. After playing the pass, the players jog to the back of the line to their right. 
  6. As the passing lanes intersect in the middle of the square, players must time their passes precisely to avoid the balls from accidentally colliding. 

Drill Variations

  • Introduce limits on the number of touches. Start out with no limits, then gradually reduce it to 2 touches. 
  • Instruct players to use their weaker foot for a certain number of passes. 
  • Set targets for successive completed passes.

Dutch Style Passing: Soccer Drills

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: Dutch Style Passing
  • Session Length: 5 to 10 minutes
  • Number of players: 8 to 16
  • Skills learned: Passing, receiving the ball on the move, first touch, and offensive positioning
  • Equipment: 4 to 8 cones, 2 balls, mini goal or full-size goal
See also  Indoor Soccer Drills (Tight Space Practice)

Drill Setup

  • Create a 4 cone grid as shown in the graphic, with each cone positioned 10 yards apart. 
  • Set up a small goal using cones. Alternatively, you can use a full-size goal and a goalkeeper. 
  • Ensure the drill starts and finishes on the edge of the penalty box as the sequence is designed to simulate a midfield attacking move.
  • Split the team evenly into 4 groups and position each group behind the cones at the 4 corners of the grid.
Dutch Style Passing
Dutch Style Passing

Drill Instructions

  1. P1 starts the drill by playing a low, firm pass to P2. 
  2. As soon as P1 passes the ball, they run toward P3 and call for the return pass. 
  3. P2 plays a quick, first-time (if possible) return pass to P1. 
  4. While on the move, P1 receives the return pass and plays a first-time (if possible) pass to P3. 
  5. P3 takes a touch to control the ball then plays a low, firm, pass to P4.
  6. As soon as P3 passes the ball, they sprint toward the penalty box and call for the return pass. 
  7. P4 plays a threaded pass in front of P3. 
  8. P3 receives the pass on the move, dribbles into the box, and shoots on goal. 
  9. When the round finishes, P1 joins the P2 line, P2 joins the P3 line, and P3 joins the P4 line.

Drill Variations

  • Switch the drill to the opposite side of the training field.
  • Run the drill using one-touch passes only.

Pass, Layoff, and Shoot: Soccer Drill

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: Pass, layoff, and shoot
  • Session Length: 5 minutes
  • Age Group: All age groups
  • Number of players: 2 to 18
  • Skills learned: Passing, layoffs, first-time shooting
  • Equipment: 2 cones, 1 ball (minimum), 1 goal

Drill Setup

  • Use the penalty box for this drill. 
  • Set up a full-size goal. Even if there is no goalkeeper, it’s important to practice shooting in a regulation goal.
  • Place 1 cone on the edge of the penalty box near the middle. 
  • Place 1 cone 5 yards outside of the penalty box toward center field. 
  • P2 stands next to the cone at the edge of the box. P2 is the passer. 
  • The rest of the team line up behind P1 at the cone outside the penalty box.
  • P1 starts with the ball. 
Pass, Layoff, and Shoot
Pass, Layoff, and Shoot

Drill Instructions

  1. P1 starts the drill by passing the ball to P2. 
  2. P1 then sprints toward the box and calls for a return pass. 
  3. P2 plays a first-time layoff pass in front of P1. 
  4. P1 takes a touch to control the ball, before shooting on goal. 
  5. This is also a useful drill for goalkeepers. 
  6. The next player in the attacking line continues the drill after the first shot is taken. 
  7. Rotate the passer occasionally. 

Drill Variations

  • Change the starting position to practice different shooting angles. 
  • Adjust the shooting distance. 
  • Focus on first-time shooting only. 
  • Instruct the passer to chip the ball slightly, forcing the shooter to take a half volley. 

Split the Defense Finishing: Soccer Drill

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: Split the defense finishing
  • Session Length: 5 to 10 minutes
  • Age Group: 10+
  • Number of players: 3 to 18
  • Skills learned: Movement, positioning, first touch, finishing
  • Equipment: 1 mannequin (alternatively 1 cone or agility pole), 3 cone, 1 goal, 1 balls (minimum)

Drill Setup

  • Use the penalty box for this drill. 
  • Set up a full-size goal, even if there is no goalkeeper.
  • Place a mannequin, cone, or agility pole centrally on the edge of the penalty box. 
  • Place 1 cone 5 yards outside the penalty box.
  • Create a 5-yard passing gate to the right of the mannequin using 2 cones.
  • P1 stands next to the mannequin.
  • P2 and the rest of the players line up behind the cone outside the box.
  • P2 starts with the ball.
Split The Defense Finishing
Split The Defense Finishing

Drill Instructions

  1. P1 starts the drill by moving around the mannequin as if it were a defender. 
  2. P1 then sprints in front of the mannequin to receive a pass.
  3. P2 plays a quick one-two return pass to P1. 
  4. After playing the return pass, P1 backs away toward the 2 cone grid while still facing P2.
  5. This movement simulates splitting 2 defenders in the back line. 
  6. P2 plays a pass to P1’s feet. 
  7. P1 takes a touch into the penalty box for a 1 v 1 with the goalkeeper.
  8. P1 joins the end of the passing line. 
  9. P2 takes P1’s position. 
  10. Repeat the drill. 

Drill Variations

  • Switch the drill to the opposite side to practice different shooting angles.
  • Create a competition where each attacker has 2 lives. All players can miss 2 shots. On the third miss, they are eliminated. The last player remaining is the winner.

Dribble, Pass, & Move: Soccer Drill

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: Dribble, Pass, & Move
  • Session Length: 5 minutes
  • Age Group: all ages
  • Number of players: 4 to 16
  • Skills learned: Passing & dribbling
  • Equipment: 1 ball, 3 cones

Drill Setup

  • Place 3 cones in a line, with each cone 5 yards apart. 
  • Divide the team into 2 groups.
  • Group 1 lines up at one outside cone while group 2 lines up outside the other.
  • P1 begins with the ball at their feet.
See also  Ball Control Soccer Drills (Pro First Touch)
Dribble Pass and Move
Dribble Pass and Move

Drill Instructions

  1. P1 starts by dribbling toward the center cone. 
  2. At the center cone, P1 passes to P2 and then joins the end of P2’s line at the back. 
  3. P2 dribbles to the center cone pass to P3 then join the end of P3’s line.
  4. Players continue repeating the process for several minutes. 

Drill Variations

  • Instruct players to use their weak foot only for 1 minute. 
  • Limit dribbling touches to 2 before the player must pass. 

Agility Passing Weave: Soccer Drill

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: Agility Passing Weave 
  • Session Length: 10 minutes
  • Age Group: all ages
  • Number of players: 5 (minimum)
  • Skills learned: Sprinting, changing direction, back peddling, 1-touch passing
  • Equipment: 5 cones, 4 balls

Drill Setup

  • Create a square grid using cones positioned 5 to 10 yards apart. 
  • Place 1 cone 5 yards perpendicular to any corner of the grid to indicate the starting point. 
  • 4 players stand 5 yards outside each corner of the grid. Each of these players has a ball at their feet. 
  • P1 and any remaining players line up behind the starting cone.
Agility Passing Weave
Agility Passing Weave

Drill Instructions

  1. On the coach’s signal, P1 sprints to, then around the first cone and faces P2.
  2. P1 calls for the ball. 
  3. P2 plays a quick give-and-go pass with P1. 
  4. P1 sprints, then around the next cone, repeating the process until they complete the entire square grid. 
  5. The next player may begin when P1 reaches the second cone. 
  6. Rotate player roles occasionally, giving all players a chance to complete the drill.
  7. The focus of this drill is quick movements. Sharp turns to simulate getting free from a defender to receive a pass.
  8. Encourage players to be vocal, calling for a pass as they would in a real game scenario. 

Drill Variations

  • Focus on the players’ left and right feet each round, ensuring they practice with both.
  • Instead of a give-and-go pass, practice headers, volleys, or chest control.
  • Increase the passing distance for higher-skilled players.
  • Create competition by timing each player’s round.

Give & Go Passing Squares: Soccer Drill

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: Give & Go Passing Squares
  • Session Length: 5 to 10 minutes
  • Age Group: all ages
  • Number of players: 5 (per square)
  • Skills learned: Give & go passing, moving, awareness, concentration
  • Equipment: 1 ball (per square), 4 cones (per square)

Drill Setup

  • Divide the team into groups of 5. 
  • Set up a 4-cone square grid for each group. All cones should be around 5 yards apart. 
  • P1 and P5 stand behind 1 cone. All other players stand behind separate cones. 
  • P1 begins with the ball at their feet. 
Give and Go Passing Squares
Give and Go Passing Squares

Drill Instructions

  1. P1 starts the drill by playing a pass to P2. The pass must travel along the outside of the square. 
  2. P1 follows their pass and heads toward P2’s cone. 
  3. P2 plays a first-time pass in front of P1 to the inside of the square, then starts to run toward P3’s cone along the outside of the square. 
  4. P1 plays a first-time pass to P2 and then stands behind P2’s original cone. 
  5. P2 plays a pass along the outside of the square to P3 then continues to run toward the cone. 
  6. P3 plays a first-time pass in front of P2 to the inside of the square, then starts to run toward P4’s cone along the outside of the square. 
  7. P2 plays a return pass to P3 and then takes P3’s original starting position.
  8. These steps are continuously repeated, creating a constant passing loop.

Drill Variations

  • Occasionally change the direction of the drill. 
  • Set consecutive passing targets. 
  • If you have multiple groups, create a competition to see which team can accumulate the most consecutive passes. 

Quick Fire Passing Drill: Soccer Drill

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: Quick Fire Passing Drill
  • Session Length: 10 minutes
  • Age Group: 10+
  • Number of players: 2 (minimum)
  • Skills learned: One touch passing, first touch, lateral movement, give-and-go passing
  • Equipment: 1 ball (per pair), 3 cones

Drill Setup

  • Divide the team into pairs.
  • Each pair operates in a small grid consisting of a 3-yard, 2-cone gate, and a perpendicular cone, 3 yards from the gate.
  • Each player takes turns being the focus of the drill. 
  • P1 begins in the center of the gate. 
  • P2 begins with the ball at their feet at the perpendicular cone. 
Quick Fire Passing
Quick Fire Passing

Drill Instructions

  1. On the coach’s signal, P2 starts the drill by playing 2 return passes to P1.
  2. P1 then shuffles to the right side of the right-hand cone to receive the next pass. 
  3. P2 passes the ball when P1 reaches the outside of the cone. 
  4. P1 takes 1 touch (if possible), taking the ball back toward the center of the gate. 
  5. P1 passes the ball to P2.
  6. P2 plays 2 return passes to P1. 
  7. P1 shuffles to the left side of the left-hand cone to receive the next pass. 
  8. After receiving the pass, P1 takes 1 touch, taking the ball back toward the center of the gate. 
  9. P1 and P2 continue the process for 1 minute then switch roles. 
  10. Each player performs at least 3 rounds of the drill. 
See also  Soccer Drills To Do On Your Own (Individual Training)

Drill Variations

  • To add a conditioning focus to the drill, consider increasing the working time or the number of rounds. 
  • Create competition by tracking the number of mistakes (extra touches, misplaced passes, performing the drill incorrectly, etc.). The team that commits the least number of mistakes wins. 

1 v 1 Pass & Move: Soccer Drill

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: 1 v 1 Pass & Move
  • Session Length: 5 to 10 minutes
  • Age Group: All age groups
  • Number of players: 2
  • Skills learned: Passing, movement, dribbling, tackling, and defensive jockeying
  • Equipment: 10 cones, 1 ball

Drill Setup

  • Place 2 cones 15 yards apart, marking the starting points for both players.
  • 5 yards to either side of these cones, create a dribbling tunnel of the same length. The tunnel should be approximately 5 yards wide.
  • Place cones 5 yards apart on both sides of the tunnel to create 3 separate, evenly sized sections within it. 
  • P1 begins with the ball at their feet. 
1 v 1 Pass and Move
1 v 1 Pass and Move

Drill Instructions

  1. P1 starts the drill by playing a long pass to P2. 
  2. After the pass, P1 sprints through their end of the dribbling tunnel, making their way to the center section. They cannot enter the furthest section of the tunnel. 
  3. P2 receives the pass, then dribbles through the end of the dribbling tunnel. 
  4. P2 then tries to dribble past P1 and through the opposite end of the tunnel. 
  5. P1 can tackle, block, or jockey the dribbler to try and regain possession. 
  6. The round is over when P2 loses possession or successfully passes through the tunnel. 
  7. If the ball crosses either sideline of the tunnel, the round is over. 
  8. After the round, players switch roles.

Drill Variations

  • Create a competition to see who can complete the most successful dribbles in the allocated time frame. Or, create a competition to see which player reaches 5 successful dribbles first. 
  • Set a time limit for the dribblers to get through the tunnel. 
  • If the defenders have the edge over the attackers, prohibit them from entering the center section.
  • If the attackers have the edge, allow the defenders to enter all sections of the tunnel. 

Weave Passing: Soccer Drill

Drill Outline

  • Drill Name: Weave Passing 
  • Session Length: 5 to 10 minutes
  • Age Group: all ages
  • Number of players: 4 to 16
  • Skills learned: Passing, moving, anticipation, finishing
  • Equipment: 1 ball, 1 goal, 3 cones

Drill Setup

  • Use approximately half the field for this drill. 
  • Set up a full-size goal if you have a goalkeeper. If not, a small goal or pair of cones will suffice.
  • Place 3 cones approximately 10 yards apart, across the field, just in front of the halfway line.
  • Divide the outfield players into 3 even groups. 
  • Each group lines up at a different cone. 
  • P1 begins with the ball at their feet at the center cone. 
Weave Passing
Weave Passing

Drill Instructions

  1. On the coach’s signal, P2 and P3 set off, running toward the goal. 
  2. P1 plays a through ball to P2, anticipating where they are running to. 
  3. P1 wraps around behind P2, following the pass and continuing to run toward the goal. 
  4. P2 then plays a through ball to P3.
  5. P2 wraps around behind P3. 
  6. If P3 is close to the goal, they take a touch and shoot. 
  7. If P3 is still outside the box or too far out to shoot, they pass to P1 for a shot. 
  8. After completing the round, all outfield players join different lines. The next 3 players start the second round. 
  9. If you have multiple goalkeepers, rotate them occasionally.

Drill Variations

  • Time each round and challenge players to beat their best time every turn.
  • Set goal-scoring targets for the team. 
  • Increase the distance of the drill and cover the entire field. 


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Joel is a seasoned soccer journalist and analyst with many years of experience in the field. Joel specializes in game analysis, player profiles, transfer news, and has a keen eye for the tactical nuances of the game. He played at various levels in the game and coached teams - he is happy to share his insight with you.

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