Relegation in Soccer (How It Works)
Prior to starting my professional soccer career, I was not very familiar with the concept…
What is Handball in Soccer? (Rules + Situations)
Handball is a core rule in the game of soccer. It distinguishes it from many…
How Many Players on A Soccer Team/Field/Substitutions (All Ages)
The number of soccer players on-field changes through the youth stages. In different competitions, there…
How Soccer Leagues Work (MLS, EPL, ECL, WC) (Explained)
A soccer league works by giving points to teams, 3 for winning, and for 1…
Soccer Rules No One Knows (Surprising, Weird, and Dumb)
Soccer fans will be familiar with the well-known rules of soccer, like handball. But what…
Direct Vs. Indirect Free Kick (Soccer Rules + Examples)
The opposing team will be given a free kick when a team fouls in soccer….
Soccer Goalkeeper Rules (+ Goalie and The Box)
Quality goalies are made from a different material than the rest of us. GKs must…
Soccer Red Card Rules (Official With Examples)
Red cards in soccer change the way a game goes. That extra player makes a…
Why Soccer Counts Up (How Soccer Time Works)
The clock is one of the essential aspects of almost all sports, and when it…
17 Rules Of Soccer (Official Laws)
Soccer games are played in school playgrounds, backyards, and fields worldwide, soccer can be enjoyed…