How to Get Better at Soccer in A Day! (Here’s How…)

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Practice these core soccer drills, control, passing, tackling, shooting, and dribbling. Study the guide and train for 20 minutes and you’ll become better in just a day!

Soccer does take some time to improve on, but you’re on the right track already by looking up how to improve. One of the biggest ways you can improve is by having dedication and since you have searched on how to improve you have shown your desire to succeed.

There are key elements in soccer that one must master in order to become better. For any position, this is;

  • Control
  • Passing

Depending on the position that you play, other skills are needed;

  • Tackling
  • Shooting
  • Dribbling
  • Defense

These other skills will help you become an all-around star player – even pro defenders are not noted for how good their shots are. First, you must improve on the basics.

Some players and coaches can get carried away with tricks, but in a game, they’re rarely used – the core skills will make you a star!

Soccer players challenging

How can I get better at soccer by myself?

While soccer is a team game, there are many things you can do by yourself to improve your game. The best players get the basics right, and if you focus on the core skills, you will see an improvement in no time.

Things you can do to improve by yourself;

  • Practice in your yard
  • Use solo soccer equipment
  • Read soccer articles
  • Watch soccer games – on TV and live
  • Keep fit and healthy

Two of the key soccer skills are passing and control – these are two skills you can definitely improve by yourself. This bounce-back net will help you do that;

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Read through the steps below to take your game to the next level.

How do I get better at soccer fast?

Get better in a day at soccer by using the training routines below. Read one section on this guide and spend 20 minutes practicing. Then, read another section and practice again for 20 minutes.

Do these steps in a day or over a week and you will definitely become a better player.

How long should you practice soccer a day?

  • Study passing – 2 minutes
  • Practice passing – 20 minutes
  • Study control – 2 minutes
  • Practice control – 20 minutes
  • Study tackling – 2 Minutes
  • Practice tackling – 20 minutes
  • Study Shooting – 2 minutes
  • Practice shooting – 20 minutes
  • Study dribbling – 2 minutes
  • Practice dribbling – 20 minutes

Total time 110 minutes x 3 sessions = 5.5 hours

Take a break for 20 minutes in between each session.

See also  Team Manager in Soccer (Roles and Responsibilities)

How do you get really good at soccer?

Get really good at soccer by practicing in all areas of the game. The best soccer players are all-rounders. Some players are really good at one or two techniques, but the really good players are great at many things.

Soccer coaches love to have players that are really good at the main skills. The coach can rely on that player in a number of positions and these players are normally captains.

Read the main skills below to improve your all-round game to make you a really good player;

Get Better at Passing

Passing is, without a doubt, the most important skill in soccer. A killer pass will set up a teammate to score a goal. A ball should be passed cleanly to another player, this means that it’ll not be bobbling or bouncing towards them.

Most passes will be made with the inside of the foot, be sure to swing your leg through the pass in a controlled steady way. A perfect pass is one with a good pace (not so much that it’s hard to control) – this way it gives the opponent no way to intercept.

The ball is played to feet in most circumstances and a hot tip is to know your teammates and how they prefer the ball. Some players like the ball passed to the stronger foot.

If you’re attacking, the ball is best played on the goal side of the player.

Through balls can split the defense and cause big problems. Have a connection with the player that you’re threading the ball through to – this can be by pointing or just a glance.

Through Ball Pass Example in Soccer.
Through Ball Pass Example in Soccer.

Get Better at Control

Control of the ball is vital to give you that extra second on the ball in this fast-paced game. Ideally, you can control the ball without even looking at the ball.

Train your foot so that you can cushion the ball ready for your next touch.

Keep your foot slightly loose so that when the ball connects it acts like a sponge and you soak up the power with your ankle and leg. The safest way to control the ball is with the inside of your foot.

When you master the basics of control, you can use your toes. This will set you up to go on a dribble. If the ball is coming at you from height, you can also use your toes to cushion the ball – you gradually lower your foot 1cm as the ball connects.

Get Better at Tackling

Tackling and regaining the ball is important – you can’t score without the ball! Nicking the ball back by poking your foot in, is the most often type of tackle.

If you nudge the ball away a teammate can get the ball or just disrupts and delays the attacker.

tackling and holding off two soccer players
Intercept the ball

All players need to tackle, even the strikers! If a striker regains possession of the ball, they’re normally further up the field and dangerous at shooting.

When tackling, you must be strong with your upper body so you don’t get knocked off the ball. Be patient and wait for the right moment – notice when the opponent takes his eye off the ball, which gives you a second to put your foot in.

Know how far you can stretch your leg, if you miss the ball the attacker gets past you. If you can get a clear touch of the ball, use the inside of your foot because that’s the strongest way.

Get Better at Shooting

Shooting low and hard is the key when you get a chance. Close to the corners is ideal, and when the ball is on the ground the keeper needs to use their feet or dive – place & power.

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The faster the ball is traveling, the less time the keeper has to react.

If you can side foot the ball with power, this will give you the most accuracy. If not, use the laces of your cleats to get the power. Watch the keeper if you’re about to shoot, they might be to one side of the goal or looking the wrong way.

Give the keeper the eye! Practice looking at one corner of the goal and shooting to the other side of it. This takes a while to master but when you do, it’ll be one of your favorite shots.

Get Better at Dribbling

Use the inside of your foot to begin dribbling and then as you advance, use your toes to nudge the ball forward.

Begin in a slow jog dribbling – if you go too fast the ball will easily become out of control. As you get better with each technique using the inside of your foot and your toes, build up the speed, If you start to lose control just slow down a little until you’ve mastered it.

First of all, keep your eyes on the ball so that you’re connecting well with it and keeping it at a close distance. Then once you’re comfortable, look up for a second as you dribble.

You aim to get to a point where you do not need to look at the ball when you’re dribbling.

Watch Players to Get Better

After you’ve completed the practice from above – when you’re either playing or watching soccer on television focus on one player. Study the player to see what kind of moves they make.

If it’s your opponent, then keep playing safe for 10 minutes and then take your chance when you know their weaknesses.

When you’re watching your favorite team play, look at the players that don’t have the ball – see how they’re getting ready for the next move.

Normally they’ll be on the move making space for their teammate to pass then the ball. Or if they’re a defender they’ll be covering the attackers.

Why Am I Not Getting Better At Soccer

If your game is not getting better, it could be that you are sticking to the same methods of play. To improve your game, you need to adapt and evolve your strategies.


Training; When you are training, do you do the same routines in practice? If so, you need to mix up the sessions with some different drills. A variation in exercises will help your all-around game and make it fun.

Playing; This can make all the difference. Do you continue to use the same techniques? Especially when training, try a new flick, a new trick. Even when I would warm up before a game, I would get the ball and practice a skill 5-10 times that I would try out in the session.

Then in the game, I would be ready when the time was right.


You can always learn new skills from pro players or players in your team. Soccer is a fun game, but sometimes you also need to be strict and study the game.

It is great to master a part of the game, but then you need to push on to learn different aspects. When I was a youth player can always learn from other players – even if they were not as good as you!

See also  How Often Do Soccer Players Train? (Pain and Gain)

On average, a player may be worse than you, but they are better at controlling the ball. Take note when you play with others and watch games where you study their technique. You can always learn something and know other players’ weaknesses.

For example, you see that an opponent is poor at control. The next time you see that the ball will be played to that person, be on your toes and don’t give them a chance – tackle them as soon as you can.


Do you have what it takes? Of course, you do! Reading this article shows that you have the desire. Now it’s time to put it into practice.

We can all push ourselves a little further, 5%, 10%, 20% – how much more can you give. You know when you’re out of breath, and you feel you can’t run much more, just push yourself to go further than you thought. This bit of effort can win you the ball back.

When you do push yourself, your fitness improves so much. Soccer requires a lot of skill and technique, but one thing every player can do is be at their peak fitness.

Build up your fitness to be one of the fittest players on the field – this will boost your game.


The number of times we practice will dictate how much we improve. For a good improvement, you need to be playing soccer twice a week. Once a week is too little to see any big changes, but if you are playing three times a week, the increase in ability is immense.

When you do practice, warm up, and prepare yourself. Your muscles need to be flexed and prepared for all of the actions and stretches that you will make in the game.

As mentioned, a variation in drills is fun and rewarding, and it tests different aspects of your game. If you are not training with a team, you can do it alone. Practice fitness drills to get up to the mark and then use a net rebounder – look at this one at Amazon. It’s perfect.

Keeping the game interesting and fun makes the learning and improving joyful.

Over Time

Stick to the game plan above, and you’ll see a big improvement. A perfect article for you here on is How to Play soccer – there are so many great tips in that article you’ll love.

Final thoughts

Practice, practice, practice, and study the tips from above. You’ll become a better player in just one day. Listen to your coaches and players during a game. Working together as a team gets results!

There is one article that you must read here on How to Play Soccer – it’s packed with top tips.

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Soccer Analyst and Publisher at Soccer Blade | Soccer Blade | + posts

Joel is a seasoned soccer journalist and analyst with many years of experience in the field. Joel specializes in game analysis, player profiles, transfer news, and has a keen eye for the tactical nuances of the game. He played at various levels in the game and coached teams - he is happy to share his insight with you.

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